Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 2 of NO MEAT!

Yep, that's right. I've only had 1 close encounter with bacon and even eating around it made me feel yucky! So def not going to slip up and have any chicken mcnuggets! But other than that I am feeling good.  I feel lighter and surprisingly less hungry.
2 of my favorite stores for groceries:

  • Trader Joe's
  • Sprouts
They both have great prices and at Sprouts I can buy beans and grains in bulk which helps save money and I love saving money!!

My new favorite breakfast:
Steel cut oats. They take 30 min to cook on the stove, but it is well worth it! 1 cup of coats equals 5 days of breakfast! All you need is a little brown sugar and agave sweetener and you are good to go!
I got the steel cut oats from Sprouts and filled a bag up not expecting a cup to go so far.
How to cook:

  • I filled a medium sized pot about half way full of water and let it boil. 
  • Add 1 cup of oats to the boiling water stirring constantly with a wooden spoon to make sure the oats don't get stuck to the bottom of the pot. 
  • Reduce the heat and cover the pot with a lid. 
  • Continue to stir every few minutes
  • After about 30 minutes the oats will be cooked and really thick. The water should have reduced and absorbed into the oats
  • Add 2 table spoons of brown sugar and 1 table spoon agave maple sweetner
  • let cool
  • Pour into a seal tight container and put it in the fridge
The next day the oats will easily cut into 4 squares. Add a little water and cook for 45 sec in the microwave, stir and put it back in the microwave for another 45 sec-1 min and waaaalaah! Breakfast!
Sooo good and filling! I eat a bowl the morning I make it and then put the rest in a container, so it technically makes 5 servings but if you have a big enough seal tight container make a bigger portion and then you will get more servings!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Going Vegetarian?

This week has been so wonder I have a headache! First, Robbie and I decided we want to move.  We hate our apartment complex and really want to find somewhere closer to my sister. Next, I think I want to change my major, because if you can't already tell I really love nutrition and exercise so I am thinking about going in that direction. I love Broadcast, but I know I truly want to be in entertainment which is very difficult to do and it's very competitive. I also do not know how I feel about working holidays and everything if I am not passionate about it, and let's get day Robbie and I want 4 kids, so working holidays would not be fun! Finally, I have become a VEGETARIAN!
I know what you are thinking,"WHAT??? NO MEAT!!??" yes my friends no more meat for me and I think it is a great decision! I don't eat red meat as it is so I just have to give up chicken and turkey. Which is going to be a little difficult because I loved chicken and ground turkey in meat loaf and tacos, but I know I will figure out substitutes and get better at it.
The second day I went without meat I felt great! The third day (today) I feel like crap. My body is confused and I know it will be an adjustment so if I feel better after a month's time then it will be worth it.
Robbie on the other hand, is not thrilled! He loves his meat and I am fine with that. I just asked 1 thing...please don't eat VEAL (a baby male cow) ever again. It is so sad. Moment of silence for the baby cows..........................Ok thank you : ). I need to get Seitan, which is a meat substitute, so that when he makes dinners for himself with meat then he can make mine with the substitute. I am also going to invest in some good cook books so that I can get creative with my cooking and not get bored of eating pb&j! haha. So here is the book I have been reading and what has helped me make my decision:
It is soo awesome! I recommend it so everyone! It really helps you understand how to be vegetarian or vegan without being too in your face about it, but let me tell you just learning about what all those poor animals go through was enough for me!
I am done with meat. Cutting dairy by no longer drinking milk but substituting it with almond milk or coconut milk, using some soy cheese but it I have a little cheese that's OK because I never really eat it now, and I will still eat greek yogurt because it is very high in protein but if I can find a substitute I will use it. I will also still eat eggs because I only eat them once or twice a week but I will only buy organic eggs because the chickens aren't tortured. : ) I just want to open a petting zoo so I can have happy cows, chickens, and pigs : ) then the cows can live a full life not what they are restricted to when they are waiting to be slaughtered!
So I know your next thought..."That is so unhealthy for you, I mean where will you get your protein?"
Well folks you can get protein from other places than just those slaughtered animals you are grilling up! Beans are awesome, seitan, and of course MY BUSINESS has amazing protein bars, shakes and powders and they are low in sugar. So I will still get the normal amount of protein and be just fine. I also take plenty of supplements for calcium and can get that in other places than just milk and surprisingly milk makes you release more calcium than you actually gain. Make sense? Exactly.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Basically the coolest calorie management system out there...with a hefty price tag$$$:

I ordered one as a gift to myself when my tax return came and I love it!

I am trying to lose weight and although I can work out and eat chicken blahh blaah blah I cannot lose the 2 lbs a week I am looking for. Robbie and I have our engagement pictures at the beginning of May and I want to be 10 pounds lighter by that time and 20 by the wedding.
So I am viewing my BodyBugg purchase as a an investment because it will be well worth it.

I wear the bodybugg on my left arm all day including when I sleep. I only take it off when I shower. It has a display I wear like a watch that tells me how many calories I've burned and I can press the view button which allows me to see the time, how many steps I've taken, my goal calorie burn, and how many I burned yesterday. My goal is to burn 2500 calories and only consume 1500 (which I log my food with the online program). I have a 1,000 calorie deficit which should result in a 2lb weight lose a week!

-It seems accurate
-The online program is really easy to use
-I forget I am wearing the bugg
-When I am around my computer, router, cell phone etc it knocks the display offline with my bodybugg arm band
-The price $$$

It is crazy to realize how many calories I was eating before.
For example: For lunch we made turkey dogs and before I would have had 2 not just 1
Well, I am watching my calories because 1500 is not very much. So I just had one with a small spinach salad with lemon juice and a 1/2 cup of strawberries with a little splenda. Approx 300 calories when the 2 hot dogs before would have been 480 calories!

I am also still using the supplements from my business!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 1

Well, the results are in...after 1 week of working out EVERYDAY and Robbie making all my meals I lost 2 lbs. I am not thrilled about this but at the same time if I lose gradually then it will stay off. I was hoping for 3-5 pounds but a lose is a lose. Now starting week 2 I'm ready to keep going!
Here are some fun pictures from Robbie's Uncle Chris' wedding:

Monday, February 14, 2011


"Success means personal prosperity: a fine home, vacations, travel, new things, financial security, giving your children maximum advantages. Success means winning admiration, leadership, being looked up to in your business and social life. Success means FREEDOM: freedom from worries, fears, frustrations, and failures. Success mean self-respect, continually finding more real satisfaction from life, being able to do more for those who depend on you. Success Means WINNING." - The Magic of Thinking BIG
I started this book while I was at the gym today doing the second half of my cardio and let me tell you, it is powerful! Your mind is the most powerful thing you own. I am learning that I can literally do anything! What a great feeling! This book is not only inspiring me to take action in my business but helping me know I can continue on my journey without giving up!

Day 2: I feel great! I am a little scared for dinner tho...Robbie had me buy Salmon and Talapia because it's going to help me (why I can't just have some chicken I don't know). I know Salmon is amazing for you and your skin. I am going to suck it up and it eat it even if I have to plug my nose while doing so! I hate fish, but I am very committed and so is he so I will not ruin it by not eating the fish.

I feel very productive today because I have not turned on the TV once ( I am still working on my facebook obsession) but I realized I have a DRV for a reason so I will spend one day a week catching up on my shows and in the mean time I will be focused on school, business and working out. I got the house clean, some homework done and a nap in before I even went to the gym and I still have another 4 hours to kill on getting things done! : )

I hope you are all having a fabulous Monday and a very happy valentines day <3 xoxo

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Change of Plans

NO weight training. Only cardio, abs, and workouts using my own body weight like yoga, lunges, squats, pilates, etc. until I lose 10lbs. Then I can consider adding in weight training.
Day 1 went well! My meals were delicious and I'm feeling good. Now if only buying healthy wasn't so expensive! How does our food budget always stretch?! Oh well, it will all be worth it.

P.S. My wonderful fiance got me the best Valentines day present EVER! I have wanted this for my birthday and christmas and now it will finally be mine! He got me a flip cam! It hasn't arrived yet. Just the tripod has come and it is so CUTE! I'm really excited to start making videos : ) I am going to add them to my blog and also start making videos about our BUSINESS! How exciting!

Robbie spoils me and I feel like the happiest girl in the world!

I <3 Valentines day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Starting Tomorrow

I have until MAY 7th to lose 20-25lbs. This is a big goal but I can do it! Plus my wonderful, supportive fiance is going to help me! He has promised to prepare all my meals and help me workout. I already work out pretty hard on my own and I eat really healthy so I'm a little scared with what he has in store! But I am excited because with his help I can do anything : ) I'm excited to see how yummy my meals are Monday and Wednesday mornings since I leave for school at 6:45 a.m. (sarcasm) I might be nice and ask him to just tell me what he wants me to eat those mornings!
My workouts include so far: Cardio everyday. Running a mile at an incline and 30 mins on the elliptical or stair climber 3 times a week and the other days sprints and some other type of cardio along with that and then weight training 3-4 times per week. I will also try to work in yoga as well.
Robbie, on the other hand, is preparing to BULK up! He only has 3lbs left to lose. He will be 195 and then he wants to gain 15lbs of MUSCLE. Good thing we order tons of protein powder and protein bars from our wonderful business!!
Well, wish me luck! I may need it!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Battle Against Sugar

I definitely have a sweet tooth....and I HATE it! I can eat chicken breast and veggies all day long, but for some reason I always want something sugary. I am a fairly healthy person and even when I go for sugary stuff I will go for: frozen yogurt or dark chocolate. BUT my weakness is licorice and it can be any licorice: australian, twizzlers, red vines, black, cherry, strawberry, or chocolate. It does not matter. I want it. In fact, my stomach just growled typing that! I guess it could be worse...I could love Reese's or something severely fattening. The only problem with this tasty snack is all the SUGAR!!

My first step of going off the sugar was buying some SUGAR FREE candy. I try not to eat past 6 or 7 p.m. so around 9 all I want is something sweet so around that time I'll have a piece of sugar free candy. I have also been eating plenty of the delicious protein bars from my business. The cinnamon bun is def my favorite one! It tastes just like a cinnamon roll : )

So I haven't bought any more sugar free candy and I haven't even finished it yet either. I have finally gotten to the point where I just don't crave the sugar anymore. 

Today I did started the last step of my sugar reducing journey. I am drinking my coffee in the morning with just some non-fat half &half instead of a flavored creamer. I also take plenty of Rhodiola so that cuts sugar calories as well. 

I think that all the vitamins I have been taking has played a big roll because I researched that if you are lacking certain vitamins and minerals then you are more likely to crave sugars. I am very happy that it has been about 3 weeks since I have had any licorice or sugary snacks. If I ever feel like I want it (which I think it is also more mental than anything) I get BUSY. I go to the gym or I work on my business or I eat a snack bar! My business sells 100 cal snack bars that are DELICIOUS. I can have a chocolate caramel snack with only 100 calories! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Robbie's Birthday Present and My new friend:CLA500

Reduce body fat and support lean-muscle retention. This essential fatty acid helps your body do both. Get the most out of your workout! 
Robbie and I cannot wait to pump-up our workouts with the help of this supplement. I am hoping to get toned and develop muscle definition. Robbie wants to bulk up so I will be taking less of the supplement. I will blog on how well it is working in a week or 2.

This is what we plan on stacking our work outs with  Rhodiola 110.

Helps increase mental and physical performance. Research suggests that it may also shorten recovery time after exercise by improving your bodys stress response system. - 

 Robbie's dad has been stacking these products for about a week and has had killer work outs. The great thing about Rhodiola is that it increases your energy without making you gittery like other products out there. My cousin takes it before an exam because it helps her focus. Who wouldn't want an increase in energy and an increase in mental and physical performance?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vitamin Test

Nutrilite Daily Vitamin Vs. One A Day (This is what happens in your body people!)
Daily Vs.  One a Day

10 min- Daily

10 min-One a Day

20 min.-Daily

20 min-One a Day

30 min-Daily

30 min-One a Day

45 min- Daily

45 min- One a Day

1 hour- Daily
Fully dissolved 

1 hour- One a Day
Still in capsule form- your body probably absorbs approx. 10% of this vitamin
Gross, huh!?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Recently I learned that if you are insufficient of certain vitamins and minerals your body cannot properly work, and it can be much harder to lose weight. I am an Independent Business Owner so it was an obvious decision for me to invest in several vitamins.
My Perfect Vitamins:

Some background information on Nutrilite: They are the leading vitamin and supplement company in the world. Nutrilite has been helping people lead healthier lives since 1934. They own organic farms in Mexico, California, Washington state, and Brazil. Nutrilite is the only company who makes a multivitamin/multimineral and also phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are the natural nutrients found in plants. Although some of the vitamins pictured above can be up to $30, they will last 2 to 3 months. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Jillian Micheals!!!

Ok, so lately I have been trying to work out like a mad person and watch my diet because I'm ready for killer results. I have also been thinking that if I document my workouts and results in my blog it would make me more accountable. Granted, I am not so certain anyone reads my blog, but in case there is a small chance that someone may track my status I am prepared to blog about it and maybe if I am that confident in my results I may begin to track pictures. BUT NO PROMISES ON THAT ONE!

2 DVDs I am currently obsessed with:
Jillian Micheals' Yoga Meltdown and also Jillian Micheals' No More Trouble Zones

I love yoga but also love pilates and this is an awesome combo. It focuses more on yoga moves but fast paced. It is 30 minutes which is perfect because you are stretching and using your own body weight which Jillian says is the perfect way to blast fat because you do not want to build muscle over fat but rather tone your muscles. I am sweating and feeling great by the end of the dvd and because of all of the plank poses and glute exercises I feel so sore, and it's awesome!

Now the No More Trouble Zones focuses on the Muffin top, saddle bags, and the wobbly underarms. I love this! Every area that a woman is self conscious of. It is 40 minutes long and will make you very sore! It works in quick circuits and I personally use 3 pound weights and wouldn't recommend using more then 5 pounds.

Robbie and I are also loving the P90X dvds. The Jillian DVDs are only 9 bucks and I love that you can get a killer work out at home and not have to get a gym membership or expensive equipment. Although, the gym is nice to have.